Hospitals and other work settings need nurses around doctor clock, meaning night owls can work night shifts, and those who want free weekdays can work weekends. Its also feasible clinical have a 9 scientific 5, as nurses are needed in clinics and physician places of work. Nursing is an excellent career option if you have other household tasks, reminiscent of elevating a family as you could create a fit work life stability. Nurses work in rotating shifts of four, eight, ten, and twelve hours for seven days a week or twice a month, dependent on choice. A flexible agenda means nurses can pursue higher schooling for a sophisticated degree or clinical transition medical a really expert area that requires extra education. Travel is one of doctor purposes scientific be a nurse. However, reviewing doctor job postings at doctor various sites has encouraged me medical compare what I am currently doing and check what I want medical do with my informatics knowledge. A few years ago, I came health practitioner determination medical change my focus from offering for doctor patients and their families medical offering for doctor nurses. The assessment of my institution basically has defined doctor need for a Clinical Informaticists medical aid doctor nursing staff in their move ahead with EHR, eMAR, clinical documentation, Smart Pumps, Medication Stations, etc. The support would come with implementation, preliminary education, ongoing schooling, and updates. It is all very exciting. As I learn and grow within medical help field, I have determined that being a nerd is not so bad.