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Thus,theclosuresofthemonasterieseventuallyresultedinthecreationofpublichospitalswherelaywomenperformednursingcare. Itwasdifficulttofindlaywomenwhowerewillingtoworkinthesehospitalstocareforthesick,sojudgesbegangivingprostitutes,publicallyintoxicatedwomen,andpoverty strickenwomentheoptionofgoingtojail,goingtothepoorhouse,orworkinginthepublichospital. Unlikethesickwardsinmonasteries,whichweregenerallyconsideredtobecleanandwellmanaged,thepublichospitalswerefilthy,disorganizedbuildingswherepeoplewenttodiewhilebeingcaredforbylaywomenwhowerenottrained,stimulated,orqualifiedtocareforthesickSitzmanandJudd,2014a. InEngland,wheretherehadbeenatleast450charitablefoundationsbeforetheReformation,onlyafewsurvivedthereignofHenryVIII,whoclosedmostofthemonastichospitalsDonahue,1985. Eventually,HenryVIIIsson,EdwardVI,whoreignedfrom1547to1553,endowedsomehospitals,namely,St. BartholomewsHospitalandSt. Listen, Im not a chazzer, Wolmark says. Fans of doctor movie Scarface will remember Tony Montanas inspired translation
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, Broken laws, broken lives: Medical evidence of torture by US team of workers and its impact Boston: Physicians for Human Rights, 2008. See also,
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